Friday, January 22, 2010


So this is my first post of 2010... and I am going to tell you right now its going to be a let down, just because this year has started off with a NOS injection and well I havn't had the to really do anything else that would prevent one such let down.

I have never been one for New Years Resolutions as well I know i can't keep them every year for me is a year for me to better myself and try and improve on who I am and what I have.

well with that said I have alot of catching up on this blog, part of me is considering leaving out the left behind stuff altogether, hmm I will have to think about it.

well to all who read this happy New Year and all the best for 2010

Saturday, November 28, 2009

a day worthy of mention

It’s funny… yip so I use that phrase too often, but you know I use it cause it works and I haven’t found an alternative,. Today has been a pretty awesome day…ok no, today was an awesome day, I met with an acquaintance and I think I can now call him my friend. He is a older guy and has experienced a lot I am going to leave it there as well this is my blog and is about me :D(ok that’s not the reason but is a good enough one). At any rate we went snorkelling over a wreck it was great. It was the kind of experience that feeds you with the energy to share it, and the energy to persevere till the next occasion when it will be that good. To clarify the wreck was not a national geographic scene with coral and photoluminescence blah blah blah (not that that wouldn’t have been cool) it was a kelp forest!!! Yes I said forest!!(this blog is named leafwing) :D, something I have been very keen to explore since I first saw kelp, you see I have done some fresh water snorkeling and there is something a person can not really portray in words about being blow the surface of the water(in silence) looking up to the surface with plants reaching to the light like pillars to the sky, the way the light dances over objects making everything move and then the ability for you to fly… yes fly you can swim up to the light slowly rising to the top of a plant anchored to a spot and you free to move around it like a bird to a tree(be it in slow motion). Then you get to see all the creatures’ wild a free and in some cases sharp pointy and somewhat painful :).

Well my snorkeling was great, it was cold but great… thinking of upgrading my wetsuit :)

I also visited a new beach, I have never seen such beautiful water, ok I lie I have but it was always somewhere in the Mediterranean and in a calendar. But this was REAL!

Then I road home, on a long winding road on my bike it was…. You guessed it... GREAT!!!

I did some other things today too, but I need to just jump to the emotion of my mood now, I am a “religious” person, I would have used the term “spiritual” however I find that term tends to lean toward a self structured belief system as apposed to a personalised belief in a pre existing belief “structure”.

(All terms are used loosely but this is not a theology blog)

Padding and intro aside...

There are moments when God reveals some of himself to you and you have to be blind or damaged not to see Him, today was one such day, I have snorkeled, walked, ridden, shopped, spoken, listened and relaxed, then I watched the mist roll in from the sea and saw the world look and feel romantic, the light as the sun fell beneath the cloud and mist, covering the city and harbour in a soft warm light and the mist defusing the harsh lines of reality, as I absorbed in the view(trying take pictures, none of which doing any justice) the gentle scent of one of my neighbour's incense wafted past, just ever so subtle a spicy aroma that combined with the moment to make it wow.. just wow.

I wish you all such moments... filled with contentment and well being.

NB. Please do not comment on this, I kinda don’t want to know who reads these.

Monday, October 19, 2009

state of mind

I wish I could say this is one of those profound and deep posts, but I am pretty much going to tell you a whole pile of my ramblings. Hmmm I have just had an idea which has resulted in me holding back such said ramblings... however I am now questioning the purpose of this blog altogether.

trees I like

So I have come across some amazing trees, and here is one such tree, I have uploaded other images to my flickr page.

Monday, October 12, 2009

my new area

So I have recently just moved house and I am really happy with the place I got, I am still trying to sort out all the logistics of living in a new place, such as parking and finding all the things I am used to having around me, but I found this really cool park.....and it has an awesome tree in it so I need to go back with my camera to document it... so incoming post :) I think I will have to start a folder on my flickr profile for my tree pics of Cape Town.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

kudu? ku du ku du :)

well I have to confess this was a cheap shot, I flicked through a book and just drew something that caught my fancy, I am not too sure why but the more I look at the picture the more I see a kangaroo rather than a kudu ewe, but I guess I am just a bit rusty... I will be practicing I assure you also I think I will keep to kudu bulls as well the horns are a dead give away(no chance of kangaroo sidekicks).... just as a side note I think kudu have the coolest ears :)

new routine

So this is the pic for today, I have named it deco tree, no real surprise on that, it was inspired by some art I saw of an Australian artists who had a stylistic interpretation of gum trees... as you can see mine is no gum tree, but all said and done I think it came out ok. I need to assure you not all my pics are going be trees, For anyone who doesn't know me I can be over enthusiastic in my interest in trees.

I am still debating if I should upload my new place pics onto my blog, or just email them.